Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week 2 Blog

Week 2 -

1) I picked out The Halloween Tarot deck, created by Kipling West. This deck caught my eye because of the artwork and originality. While it stays true to an original tarot deck in the sense that it has a major arcana, four minor arcana suits, and 78 cards, the minor arcana suits are named Bats, Ghosts, Pumpkins, and Imps. Pumpkins correspond with traditional Pentacles, Ghosts with Cups, Bats with Swords, and Imps with Wands. Each card has a Halloween themed picture, creating a story. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so it only seemed fitting to pick this deck.

2) I shuffled the Major Arcana cards, and drew the High Priestess card. Depicted is a vampiress, holding a book, with a bat hanging from one of her fingers. There are two towers behind her, one white and one gray. There are two lit candles in the windows of the white tower. She is standing on a moon, surrounded by stars. There is a black cat atop the white tower, looking down on the Priestess. There are vines climbing the towers, sprouting pomegranates. I feel intrigued by this card. This woman appears to be confident in herself and happy to be where she is. I am curious to know what book she is  holding, and what position of power she is in.

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